Detect Early and Restore Minimally - Diagnose Caries and Other Restorative Needs Earlier
Presenter: Dr. Susan McMahon
Release Date: 11/10/16
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 11/10/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
Sharp explorers and radiographs have been the primary means of caries detection for many years. Both tactile inspection and radiographs have limitations. The caries has to become deep enough or large enough to be “seen” by the tip of the explorer or radiographically. In this CE webinar, learn how advanced diagnostic tools are being used to detect earlier. Florescence technology provides a means for diagnosing early demineralize to deep decay through a color scale. Appropriate restorative options can then be utilized. Using this technology will aid in our goal of minimally invasive dentistry.
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